On Our Project

Even people with disabilities
have opinions on various topics.
For example, on sports.
However, only few people know these opinions.
Many people even think:

  • People with disabilities have no opinion.
  • People with disabilities cannot express their opinions
    in an understandable way.

That is why people with disabilities are often not listened to.
And they do not have the opportunity to say what they think.

Special Olympics World Games

In 2023, the Special Olympics World Games will take place in Berlin.
Special Olympics is the world’s largest sporting organisation

  • for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • for people with multiple disabilities.

7 thousand athletes with disabilities will come to Berlin.

We will do a special project for the World Games.
The project is called:
Berlin erzählen.

That is in English:
To tell the stories of Berlin.

In this project, people with and without disabilities
will report about the World Games.
And they show athletes from all over the world around.

Our reporters have to prepare themselves well.
That’s why our project started in January 2022.
Our reporters work in tandems.
A tandem means a reporter with and a reporter without disabilities.
The tandems talk on sport, culture and Berlin.
They visit

  • places of interest
  • sports clubs
  • competitions

And they talk to people they find important.

Our reporters also attend training courses.
They learn, for example,

  • how to find a topic.
  • how to ask another person questions.
  • how to commentate on sports competitions.
  • how to film.
  • how to edit a video.

This is what we want to achieve:

People with disabilities should be given the opportunity
to express their opinion.
Topics that are important to them should become more visible.

Our reporters at the 2023 World Games

In 2023, our reporters will be at the World Games.
They will produce videos.

And they will report live from the competitions.
For example,

  • when a runner reaches the finish line.
  • when someone has scored a goal.

And they show the athletes from all over the world Berlin.

We publish the finished content on Instagram and
and on this website.

Our project will run until 31.12.2023.